Lockdown has been extremely difficult for everyone and our young people have not been exempt from that difficulty. This new blog is a question and answer session with some of our young people. Through this we hope that by sharing their experiences and feelings they will help other young people to realise that they are not alone in what they are feeling and that their is support out there for them.
This time is the turn of Reagan to share his experience with us all.
What are you missing most – I miss seeing my pals in School, I miss going to GYIP’s holiday programmes where my friends go.
What are you looking forward to after lockdown – Looking forward to seeing my pals and finally getting to do my exams in School.
How are you coping with lockdown – Not bad, i have had times though where I’ve felt frustrated and wanted things back to normal but I realise there are reasons why this lockdown is in place.
Do you have support – Yes, I have my family around me.
Are you aware of other support that is out there – My extended family would support me through tough times if I was really struggling and I know GYIP would support me also.